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The strict application of the rule for allowable expenses would require all expense payments to employees to be treated as employment income,

What is disguised remuneration? Disguised remuneration refers to tax avoidance schemes where employers pay employees in non-traditional ways. These schemes have been

Imagine a scenario where your investment not only generates financial returns but also creates a positive impact on society. That’s precisely what

What taxes do landlords have to pay in the UK? By being well informed about their tax obligations, landlords can minimise their

Unincorporated trading businesses are going through their biggest tax change for a generation, with the switch to a tax year basis of

In April 2023, the National Will Register reported that 42% of adults in the UK had not made any provisions for their

Is selling a car taxable income? In the UK, cars can indeed be considered assets for Capital Gains Tax purposes, but it

VAT: DIY Billing!

Usually, it’s the supplier who issues a VAT invoice; but in some circumstances, the customer prepares the invoice instead and gives the

Quality Counts!

The exemption from capital gains tax (CGT) for a dwelling that is the taxpayer’s ‘only or main residence’ is an important one

What are tax deductions for influencers? Influencers play a pivotal role in society by creating engaging content and connecting with their followers.

In this discussion, we will analyse how to claim driving lessons on tax and see if we can claim it on our

No-one likes to think about their death, so it is perhaps understandable that many people put off drafting their will, and some

Wondering about when is the tax return deadline? In the UK, self-assessment tax returns are normally due to HMRC at the end

To address your query on what is a higher tax bracket in the UK start by clarifying what a “higher tax bracket”

Wondering how many accounting firms are there in the UK? Accountancy is a widely established and crucial sector that plays an essential

How to claim tax back on the van? Claimed vehicle expenses are eligible for tax relief in the UK. This includes tax

Worried about how to claim your SEIS tax relief? Claiming SEIS tax relief is a valuable and powerful tool for small businesses

Wondering about when is the tax deadline for expats? For those living abroad in the UK, taxes can be a highly confusing

Businesses grow and change continuously. It’s essential to have an expert financial advisor to help manage and monitor finances. In this discussion,

Thinking about how to read a balance sheet? A balance sheet is a financial record that provides a comprehensive picture of a

This discussion is based on the tax return deadline. The process of paying taxes and fulfilling all the demands related to it

Chris Thorpe looks at some considerations when extracting profits out of limited companies. Once a sole trader or partnership has incorporated, the

Wondering about how to claim SITR? Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) is a valuable tax relief offered by the UK government to

This discussion aims to explore whether there is a deadline for renewing tax credits in the UK and the potential consequences of