Buying A Car Through Your Limited Company?

is car taxed

Multiple tax considerations are to be taken into account before you decide to buy the car through your limited company. This guide will help you to understand “Is Car Taxed?”  and calculate its cost. 

The car options that are available for the contractors need to be looked into first. There can be two options for vehicles used on the company’s expenses. 

  • Buy a car through your company.
  • Claim for mileage cost of the vehicle while traveling for business purposes.

Also, there are multiple factors to be considered on how a car is taxed through your limited company and how it may influence the process. This includes the following:

car tax

  • Price of vehicle
  • Fuel payment by the company
  • Is the vehicle working on diesel or petrol?
  • Personal income tax band


Contact our professional accountant to mitigate your tax issues!


How Advantageous Is It to use Company Car?

The benefits that are enjoyed throughout the year by the company car means you are charged for income tax as well.

The company has to pay Employer 1A National Insurance.

The price list and will help you to calculate the charged income tax.

In case you intend to calculate the tax on car benefits, you will multiply the price list with the fixed-rate percentage.

CO2 Emissions​


0 / (Electric Range n/a)

Car registered after April 2020​



Car registered before April 2020​



1-50 / ER > 130 miles 1% 2%
1-50 / ER = 70 to 129 miles 4% 5%
1-50 / ER = 40 to 69 miles 7% 8%
1-50 / ER = 30 to 39 miles 11% 12%
1-50 / ER < 30 miles 13% 14%
51-54 14% 15%
55-59 15% 16%
60-64 16% 17%
65-69 17% 18%
70-74 18% 19%
75-79 19% 20%
80-84 20% 21%
85-89 21% 22%
90-94 22% 23%
95-99 23% 24%
For each additional 5g, add 1%
160-164 36% 37% (Max)
165-169 37%


Car Benefits Registered after April 2020:

Car benefits for the year 2021-2022 are 26 per cent of the list price of 7800 pounds. 

If you change this by the personal income tax band, it will go like:

  • Basic: 20 per cent
  • Higher: 40 per cent
  • Additional: 45 per cent

The company has to pay Employer 1A National Insurance.


Need information on Electric Car Tax From April 2021, click here and read what our professionals offer to guide you!


Important Components to Keep in Mind:

There are several components that demonstrate how is car taxed to keep in consideration before you jump into getting the benefits. 

The personal allowance is important to seek tax benefits before the process is added for interest and dividends. 

Most contractors will opt for a basic rate if they are on low salaries, this applies to the contractors who are working through limited companies.

The amount of buying your car against the corporation tax bill via a capital allowance.

VAT can not be claimed for a new car but it can be claimed for running costs.

HMRC should be informed about purchasing a new car. 


Leasing A Car:

Either your company buys a new car or leases a car, you will have the same benefits. 

The company will experience the same Employer Insurance amount as well as you will experience the same additional amount to pay.

On a leased car 50 per cent VAT can be claimed by the company whereas on buying a new car, VAT can’t be claimed.


Read More: For active sales and listing your business with the Government, VAT is a process for you. Get help from our VAT accountant!



This guide is a general demonstration on company car tax and how is car taxed. There is so much more when it comes to serious components to consider. The cost a company bears for the running car and the national insurance against corporation tax and the fixed mileage rates are for you to reclaim from your company. A professional accountant can guide you in a better and efficient way to input.


For relevant tax services, do reach out to Accounting Firms now!

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