
retained profit

advantages of retained profit

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Retained Profit?

If you are seeking information regarding the advantages of retained profit, this is your guide. It serves as a crucial financial resource that companies can utilise to support their growth and expansion initiatives. Retained profit provides businesses with a source of internal funding, allowing them to invest in new projects, research and development, acquisitions, and […]

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Retained Profit? Read More »

No Retained Profits

No retained profits – Can you extract cash to cover your living expenses?

If you operate through a limited company, for example as a personal or family company, you will need to extract funds from your company in order to use them to meet your personal bills. There are various ways of doing this. However, a popular and tax-efficient strategy is to take a small salary which is

No retained profits – Can you extract cash to cover your living expenses? Read More »