
How to Brand Yourself – 7 Steps to Follow

How to Brand Yourself

No matter you’re a freelancer, small business or a big entrepreneur, branding is your today’s need. In fact, we’re so surrounded by it that we don’t even realise its importance. However, it serves a great purpose. Successful branding is the key to helping your customers to know yourself and your business to get leads and sales. It is imperative for brand recognition and business promotion. For this reason, you need to understand how to brand yourself!


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So, now it is disclosed that why large companies spend a large sum on branding. Yet it is not just for them, individuals, startups and small businesses can also brand themselves to let people know who they are, what they do and what products and services they offer. It is the best way to present yourself and your business in the market to get sales and new clients.

Before we delve into how to brand yourself, let’s see what actually the branding is?


What is Branding?

To understand the concept of branding, you first need to know what is a brand. A brand is a perception of the people about a service, product, experience or business. It is an intangible asset that is not limited to the company’s name, logo, tagline or product rather, it is an emotion that these things evoke.

Branding is the process to build a perception of the organisation, product and services in the mind of people. It involves designing the logo, choosing a catchy name, defining your attributes and focusing on your unique identity from others. So, it differentiates you and your business from your competitors.

Curious to know how to brand yourself. Here are the steps to follow:


How to Brand Yourself – 7 Steps to Follow

To define yourself and to highlight your attributes as a professional or a business, you need to follow these 7 steps:

7 Steps to Brand Yourself

1) Figure Out Who You Are

For successful branding you need to know yourself and what you offer. This is crucial as it will make you unique among your thousands of competitors. To do it, you need to write down some adjectives that describe you and your products/services. Then, choose the three most relevant words and review them with your friend. Afterwards, you can use them as the foundation for your branding.

2) Establish a Clear Voice

Create a unique voice for your brand and ascertain what qualities and expertise make it different from your competitor. Knowing what you do better or effective than others and highlighting those qualities will help you to be a successful brand.

3) Be Everywhere

Leave no stone unturned to brand yourself, and use all platforms even if you hate them or don’t know how to use them. Learn how to use them and start branding there. There are many social media platforms where you can reach a large customer base. In addition, create a website that shows everything about your brand.

4) Determine Your Target Audience

Identify the audience who could possibly turn into customers. Find out their interest, age and behaviour before branding. It will be easier for you to create your branding strategy after knowing them. Research your area of expertise and find out the audience looking for it. Remember targeting specific people will get you more leads and sales than generalizing it to the masses.


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5) Build a Network

Connect with your peers and customers directly or on digital sites. Networking can be a great way to brand yourself in the industry you are working in. You can interact with people, learn about their issues, provide a solution and build a relationship with them to widen your business horizon.

6) Remember the 3 Cs of Branding

The 3 Cs of branding are clarity, consistency and constancy. You need to be clear about what you do and what you don’t. Be consistent with what you do. Whether you do branding on regular basis or twice a week, do it consistently without a break. Be loyal to your customers by communicating and solving their problems.

7) Get Feedbacks

For branding, you need to use a strategy that leaves a good reputation of your brand on your potential customers. You can get help from friends, family, relatives and the people about your strategy and can find out whether it is leaving a positive impact on their minds and hearts. Getting feedback from an already successful brand can take your brand to the next level.


Quick Sum Up

Hope these seven tips will be helpful to learn how to brand yourself. Remember for successful branding, you need to identify your area of expertise, find an online platform relevant to your industry, use digital marketing platforms, build a professional website, try offline by connecting and networking with the people around you. The last step is to get feedback. By following all these tips, you will be able to make a brand that is distant, valuable and impossible to forget.


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Disclaimer: This blog is written for general information on how to brand yourself.


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