Find Qualified Accountants near me for BARCLAY (NORTHERN IRELAND) LTD

Important Information

BARCLAY (NORTHERN IRELAND) LTD is a Private Limited Company company has an dissolved status with companies house. The company was incorporated on 16 May 1985 and is registered at Barclay (Northern Ireland) Ltd Maryland Industrial Estate, Castlereagh, Northern Ireland, BT23 6BL. Based on the last confirmation statement filed on 1 January 1970 the company has 0 director(s) and the activities related to the SIC code Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods - 46460.


Last submitted on N/A

Next confirmation dated N/A

Due by N/A

Previous Names


Company No.

Private Limited Company

16 May 1985

Incorporated 39 year(s) and 8 month(s) ago


Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods - 46460


Last accounts submitted for period 30 September 2017

Accounts type was full

Next accounts dated 30 September 2017

Due by N/A

Last Active Officers

Damien Moynagh Active
Appointed on: 3 May 2017 - Secretary -
Fearghal Fitzmaurice Active
Appointed on: 1 October 2018 - Director - Director Irish
Louise Tallon Active
Appointed on: 1 October 2018 - Director - Director Irish

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Our platform will connect you with qualified Chartered Accountants and Tax advisors in Castlereagh - BT23 6BL, whether you are looking for a Chartered Accountant in Castlereagh - BT23 6BL or a qualified Bookkeeper in Castlereagh - BT23 6BL.

Our service is FREE for businesses and individuals, and many companies like BARCLAY (NORTHERN IRELAND) LTD have found accountants through our platform. If you are looking for an accountant for Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods - 46460 , start your search here.

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